1. Disconnect a wire of the negative plug of the accumulator. |
If the stereoplayer of your car has system of the coding, check whether you know a code of activation of the player before an accumulator detachment.
2. Remove the air filter (see subsection 5.9). |
3. Remove a tank of cooling liquid (see subsection 4.5). |
4. Remove the cylinder of the drive of switching off of coupling and hydraulic tubes (see subsection 8.2.3). |
5. Disconnect connection sockets from the switch of headlights of a backing (it is specified by an arrow) (see subsection 7.1.4) and the speed sensor. |
6. Find a point of connection of a wire of mass from above of the transmission. Turn off a fixing bolt and disconnect a wire from the transmission. |
7. Disconnect the switching ropes from connecting levers of the transmission. For this purpose remove checks and washers (are specified by shooters) (see subsection 7.1.2). |
8. Release clips, the fixing wires to the engine or the transmission, and take wires aside. |
9. Remove the top fixing bolt of a starter. |
10. Remove two top and one forward bolts of fastening of the transmission to the engine. Note places of connection of wires of weight or arms in order that they could be established later into place. |
11. Remove the left support of fastening of the engine (the drawing at the left) and turn off a fixing bolt of the left fastening (the drawing on the right). |
12. Establish a support under the engine (having put the wooden block between a jack and a case) or from above hook on elevator hooks. The engine needs to be supported all the time until the transmission is removed from the car. |
13. Weaken an inhaling of nuts of fastening of wheels. Lift the car and install it on support. Remove wheels. |
14. Remove antisplash screens. |
15. Merge oil from the transmission (cm. subsection 2.5.2). |
16. Disconnect half shafts (cm. subsection 8.3). |
17. Remove forward section of an exhaust pipe (cm. subsection 5.13). |
18. Disconnect forward fastening of the engine. |
19. Disconnect back fastening of the engine. |
20. Remove a fastening cross-piece. |
21. Remove a starter (see subsection 3.3.14). |
22. On models 1.6 L remove the rigidity panel. |
23. On models 1.3 L and 1.8 L turn off bolts, the fixing back plates of the engine or the panel of rigidity of the oil pallet to the transmission.
24. Disconnect the left fastening of the engine. |
25. Establish a jack under the transmission (it is desirable the jack which is specially provided for this purpose). If you use a usual jack, do not forget to put the wooden block between a jack and the transmission for protection of a case from aluminum alloy. In order that the transmission stood on a jack more steadily, wind it with chains. |
26. Turn off other bolts of fastening of the transmission to the engine. |
27. Double-check that all wires and hoses were disconnected from the transmission. |
28. Lower the left side of the engine (the party of the driver), and then roll away the transmission and a jack slightly sideways. After the entrance shaft will leave coupling shlits, lower the transmission and remove it from below the car. Try to hold the transmission horizontally. |
Do not press a coupling pedal at removal of the transmission from the car.
29. After removal of the transmission it is possible to examine coupling elements (see subsection 8.2.1). In most cases, it is recommended to replace coupling elements every time at removal of the transmission. |